Wednesday, December 31, 2008

20 days and counting

I only have 10 more days until I make it to 28 weeks. YEAH!!! Hopefully I can make the next 10 days without any complications. The baby is looking good and doesn't seem to be affected by what is happening. I hope he stays that way.

I can't believe it is New Year's Eve. I think I will go out and party and get drunk tonight. Maybe make some bad decisions, have some fun. Then again maybe I will stay here and rest.

My Doctor did a sonogram tonight. The baby has continued to grow and gain weight. After I was first admitted the sonogram showed he was 1 lb. 10 ozs. As of tonight he weighs 2lbs. 1 oz. He is still head down and has a fair amount of fluid built back up. My Doctor was very pleased she told my nurses that she had a really good feeling that this baby was going to do very well.

Thankfully I have lots of time while I am here to finish some projects. I am almost done cross stitching Tyler's stocking. Once I am done with that I will start working on Alex's stocking. I doubt I will have enough time to get any more then those two done, but if I do I have lots of baby samplers to work on. I have only finished Drew's sampler. I don't want to waste the time that I have. I have a lot of work to do and lots of time to kill. It's amazing how God gives us what we need just not always in the way we think we should get it.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Day 17 -- 26 weeks 1 day

Yeah, I made it another week. 26 weeks is better then 25 weeks, of course not as good as 27 or 28 weeks. I know it is God's will we made it this far. I know He will make sure that no matter when this baby is born he will be strong enough to make it into the world without any problems. God has given me peace during this uncertain time. I know that He is with us and is watching over us to ensure we are both healthy and safe.

I am really tired of hospital food!! The food repeats every week. The first Sunday the chicken cordon blue was okay, the second Sunday I could only eat about half, today I couldn't eat it at all. So I ordered pizza!! Yes you can get pizza delivered at the hospital. I ate pizza until I was so stuffed I was almost sick. It was soooo good!!! As long as it doesn't give me heart burn and keep me up all night. Even if it does it will still be worth it.

Tomorrow at 6 am I get to take a glucose test!! Hopefully I pass the test. I always seem to fail the 1 hour glucose test and they make me take the 3 hour test which I always pass. I have learned I have to fast in order to pass the test. That shouldn't be too hard though I don't get my breakfast until sometime after 7 am so I should pass.

So I think we have decided on a name. I wanted Wyatt. Doug wanted James. Since he didn't like Wyatt and I didn't want James as a first name we were at a stand still. After coming up with many more names all of which Doug said no to I finally found one he agreed to. Ryan. I gave him the choice of 3 middle names, Zachary, Thomas or James. You can guess which name he picked. So we are officially naming him Ryan James Sentell. I guess I better quite praying about Wyatt. :)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Day 14 - 25 weeks 5 days

I swear I will stop hitting enter after I type the title, now that I have 2 posts with just a title.

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas. Actually I don't have to dream it is a White Christmas. I think this is the first Christmas it has snowed on Christmas since we moved here. Of course my little ones are in California when it is just raining. Christmas rain.... Oh well maybe we will get more snow when they get home.

Can I tell you, the one thing I have learned out of all this is don't procrastinate!! If I had known I would be stuck in here I would have gotten my hair cut, my eyes checked and a pedicure!! Did you know that you can order eyeglasses online. You don't even need a Dr's prescription. Of course you have to know your prescription but other then that it is easy. I haven't gotten them yet but at least I won't have to fool with my contacts here in the hospital.

I would have also packed myself a bag if I had known. Don't ever ask a man to pack a bag for you. I have no idea what he was thinking when he brought me clothes but he obviously wasn't thinking I was pregnant! He only brought me 2 maternity shirts out of the 10 or so shirts he brought. Thankfully I just asked for sweats and jammy pants to wear on the bottom or who knows what I would have gotten there. I'd probably be wearing a hospital gown again.

Day 14

Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Day 13

I can't believe that I have been here 13 days. I does not seem like that long. Merry Christmas Eve to everyone. My kids got a visit from Santa last night at my parents house. Santa is actually a member of our family. He keeps a low profile at family reunions but he keeps his beard year round so some of the kids know he is Santa. He actually has a California drivers license that shows his photo as Santa and his name as Santa Claus. The kids had lots of fun visiting with Santa. According to the report Tyler was a little unsure about him at first and then he warmed up to Santa and was all over him. Alex never stopped talking to Santa and Drew just too it all in. Check out the picture at the bottom of the page.

I think the baby was head down yesterday but if he was he moved, cause he isn't today. I could tell yesterday we were gaining back amniotic fluid, but I lost it all last night. The good news is I have been able to do the last two monitoring without having to hold the monitor. My aide said he may have had a growth spurt and that's why we can pick him up easier. The doctor is going to do an ultrasound sometime today so hopefully she will measure him and see if he has gained weight.

My brother is going to come see me tomorrow for Christmas. He is bringing me a special dinner for Christmas. Rabbit!! I have never had rabbit. I can't quite see eating rabbit, all I can picture is a cute fuzzy bunny. I guess I will be brave and try it. The chef at the french restaurant where her works is cooking it. I guess I can just be thankful that my brother isn't cooking it.

I only have 45 days left to make it to 32 weeks. Piece of cake!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Day 12 - 25 weeks 3 days

When it rains it pours. I haven't had hardly any visitors and today I had 6. Not that I am complaining! Thank you to all of you who came and bearing treats. :) I will try not to eat all the treats today. Hopefully they will last a day or two.

Kathy I have to say you must have been able to read my mind. When I first got to the hospital all I could smell was the cleaner they use to clean my room. They clean my room everyday so it never goes away. After 12 days I don't smell it any more but I am sure those of you visiting can. I had told my darling husband to bring me a scented candle, while I can't burn it those scented candles usually put out enough fragrance without being lit. You know how men are though, I was lucky to get underwear much less a candle. So thank you Kathy for the scented candle, now all I can smell is it's wonderful fragrance. You also brought me a bookmark which I asked Doug for and never got so you must be a mind reader.

Jane the salad was great!! If I ever get out of here I am going to have to check out Whole Foods. I haven't had the brownies yet, I am saving them for my sugar craving later today.
Jen thank you for coming with the girls, it is so nice to see some little ones. Thank you and Kathy for the coffee, I can never have too much coffee or bear claws. :)

I watched "August Rush" last night at my mother recommendation. It was a great movie, but it did make me cry. I was doing my monitoring of the baby and it was hard to cry and keep the baby's heartbeat on the monitor. It's hard to cry and not move your abdomen.

We are still making good progress, no contractions or fever. Baby's heart beat is good and he is still moving a lot. The doctor is hoping he will get into a head down position, last time she checked he was breach. If he gets head down she said there is less worry that a foot or the umbilical cord will fall out. (sorry if that is a little graphic but it's my life) If he is head down he may block the fluid leakage which would be excellent. Also if he is head down when the time comes to deliver then she won't have to do a c-section (yeah), unless he shows signs of distress. So put that in your prayers. My doctor should do another ultrasound sometime this week. Hopefully he will still have sometime to get into the head down position before we have to worry about delivery, but I guess now is as good a time as any.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. I just found out my little brother is not going to my parents for Christmas so he is going to visit Christmas Day and bring me a home cooked meal. Of course I don't know what he knows about cooking Christmas dinner but the company will be nice anyway.

Then the day after Christmas I should get to see Doug and get my Christmas gifts.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Day 11 Part 2

I think my sweet tooth comes out in the afternoon. I would give anything for a cookies or a brownie right now. I even looked at ordering cookies online, of course I would have to wait days to get my sugar fix. Somehow going into the hospital has brought my appetite back. Before I wasn't eating much and sweet stuff really didn't interest me too much. Now I watch the clock till the girls come with my food tray and hope they are early!! Then the first thing I check is what is for dessert. I just wish it was like room service, then I could call the kitchen right now and get something sweet. I could call the nurse but all they have up here is stuff like pudding, yuck! It is kind of a mean trick too, the kitchen seems to think if they serve fruit stuff that is dessert. In my opinion anything with fruit in it is not dessert.
Have you ever watched Rachel Ray? I occasionally watched her at home. With my limited selections of tv here she is the only cooking show I can get because she has her talk show. She cooks some weird stuff though. I guess it is more new age then I am. She is no Paula Dean!! I mean if I doesn't have a stick of butter in it, it couldn't be that good. I guess now you all know why I am fat. I have a massive sweet tooth and I love high fat cooking. I could never be one of those salad eater. I like a little salad with lots of fresh ranch and croutons, right before some fried chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy.
Conclusion: Come see me but don't forget the coffee and sweets.

Day 11 -- 25 weeks 2 days

We made it another day. Doug better watch out I have the internet and a debit card. Yesterday I ordered 2 books about preemies and a preemie baby book. I figured I better start getting ready and really like I have anything better to do.

They started doing 2 hours of baby monitoring yesterday. What does that mean? I sit in the exact same spot till my butt is so sore I can't stand it and hold a monitor on my belly for 2 hours. It's not like when they hook you up to the monitor at full term. Then they just put the belt on you and it stays put and picks up the baby's heartbeat. Because the baby is so small I have to put pressure on the monitor to make it pick up his heartbeat and he moves a lot so I loose his heartbeat often and it takes forever to find him again. So while more monitoring of the baby sounded like a good thing I am not sure it is.
Sunday night must be a good night for women to go into labor. I was up half the night listening to wailing women in the rooms on either side of me. I just have to be thankful I am not in labor.

The neonatologist from the NICU came by yesterday. I don't know if she was very comforting. She told me the possible complications which I had already read about. When I tried to be positive about making it to 28 weeks she was quite negative about how the baby would fair long term even at 28 weeks. Now while I don't want to kid myself about what the outcome could be I also have to be positive that there can be a good outcome. I can deal with the baby needing a lot of help in the NICU and that there maybe complications and problems but I have to believe that once we take him home he won't continue to have major problems. This has always been my biggest fear is to have a child with major problems. Although my fear is really just having a child with neurological problems. I can deal with most anything else. You just can't fix or overcome brain damage in most cases. Who knows God didn't give me my deepest desire to have a girl maybe he will give me my deepest fear? I just have to have faith that He will make good out of this in some way. He has filled me with peace during my week here. I was very upset for the first couple of days but I pressed into God and He has calmed my fears.

The good news from today is they took my IV access out. I have had nothing but trouble with IV's since I got here and finally they are done giving me IV antibiotics and I convinced the nurse to remove the access from my hand today. They also quite monitering my contactions at night. I haven't had any contactactions since I got here but they were monitering me 24/7 for contractions. They decided I might sleep better without the moniter on. I don't know if that is true, it was kind of comforting to know someone was watching the moniter while a slept and even if I didn't feel the contraction they would know. I think based on how early I am that the monitor may not pick up my contractions even if I did have them. If I have one I am sure that I will know it. Just keep praying that I don't have any contractions. We want to avoid that.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Day 10

As of today I have been in the hospital for 10 days. I am 25 weeks 1 day pregnant. Our goal right now is for me to stay pregnant till 28 weeks. So 2 weeks 5 days to go. If I make it that far then we are going to try for another 2-4 weeks. During that time I am not only in the hospital but I am only allowed to get out of bed to use the bathroom.

So far the baby is still doing good. He doesn't have any fluid to speak of but the doctor doesn't seem concerned by that. They do listen to his heartbeat morning and night. It has been normal without any signs of distress. They have me on constant monitoring for contractions though I have not had a single contraction since I got here. They are going to stop taking me off the monitor at night, I guess they think that will make sleeping better. Really what would make sleeping better is to be home with my family in my own bed instead of alone in a hospital room. At first I had a hard time sleeping at night but I am used to being here now and I fall right to sleep and don't wake up until they bring my breakfast at 7 am. See I don't even get to sleep in, my kids at least sleep until 7:30 or 8:00. I can take naps mid-morning after the nurses are done with me.

Thankfully I get to wear my own clothes. I have lots of books and movies in here to keep me busy. I am hoping to get some of my cross stitch projects done as well. So if you have any movie or book suggestions send them my way. Visitors are always welcome, they have 24 hour visiting hours in the Maternity Ward. If you come bearing baked goods or a Mocha you would make my day!! Of course just having a visitor would be treat enough. I am online so don't hesitate to e-mail me.