Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Be quite you'll wake the baby!!

I feel like I say that all day long. If the baby could go to his own room it wouldn't be so bad but he has to stay in the living room by the oxygen, where everyone else is. Ryan is doing great though. I on the other hand am barely surviving now that Doug is back to work. I am in the new baby, sleep, eat, feed the baby and try to survive mode. It is worse when you have other little ones that need to be taken care of. I though it would be better this week since Drew is out of school for spring break. To bad I forgot about horse camp, everyday this week from 8:30 to 12:30.

I also thought it would be better since we don't have to worry about him getting exposed to an illness and bringing it home. But guess who got exposed... Mom. I don't know where or how but I got a stomach virus. So now I have to try and stay away from the baby while still nursing and taking care of him. My darling husband took the night shift last night so I could get a full night sleep and hopefully feel better. I just don't understand why he thinks he has to stay up all night. I mean really the baby sleeps why can't he? So this morning when I still don't feel well and just want to curl up in bed and die my husband is sleeping because he didn't get any sleep last night!!

Ryan is over 8 pounds now. He is nursing well, but still taking a bottle of formula about twice a day. The nice thing is daddy can give him a bottle. This works well when I have to leave the house since I can't take the baby with me. He has a pretty steady routine as well. He is awake for a little while in the morning then sleeps and eats until about 10 pm when he is awake again for a couple of hours. He is pretty much just waking up once a night to eat usually between 2 and 3 am then again around 6 or 7 am. Again I don't know why daddy couldn't have gotten some sleep with that schedule.

Ryan is still on oxygen. I lowered his oxygen level last night as he was hanging in the 98-100 range on his blood oxygen. They want him closer to 95 so he isn't getting too much oxygen. He sees the chronic lung doctor next Tuesday so we will hopefully have a better idea then of how long he will need the oxygen. I can't wait until he is off, it will be so nice to be able to take him anywhere in the house I need to go. Also I have noticed that most people when they look at him just see the tube in his nose and they don't really see him. I don't notice the tube anymore. It has become part of his face to me. I know this because when I have changed the tubes and he doesn't have it on, he looks strange.

We are all just hanging in there. Time goes by so fast, it has already been 3 weeks since Ryan came home. On the 4th of April he hit is due date so we are no longer in negative time. Negative time is how I look at the 12 weeks before his due date. From here we will move forward and get past this time in our lives.

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