Sunday, December 21, 2008

Day 10

As of today I have been in the hospital for 10 days. I am 25 weeks 1 day pregnant. Our goal right now is for me to stay pregnant till 28 weeks. So 2 weeks 5 days to go. If I make it that far then we are going to try for another 2-4 weeks. During that time I am not only in the hospital but I am only allowed to get out of bed to use the bathroom.

So far the baby is still doing good. He doesn't have any fluid to speak of but the doctor doesn't seem concerned by that. They do listen to his heartbeat morning and night. It has been normal without any signs of distress. They have me on constant monitoring for contractions though I have not had a single contraction since I got here. They are going to stop taking me off the monitor at night, I guess they think that will make sleeping better. Really what would make sleeping better is to be home with my family in my own bed instead of alone in a hospital room. At first I had a hard time sleeping at night but I am used to being here now and I fall right to sleep and don't wake up until they bring my breakfast at 7 am. See I don't even get to sleep in, my kids at least sleep until 7:30 or 8:00. I can take naps mid-morning after the nurses are done with me.

Thankfully I get to wear my own clothes. I have lots of books and movies in here to keep me busy. I am hoping to get some of my cross stitch projects done as well. So if you have any movie or book suggestions send them my way. Visitors are always welcome, they have 24 hour visiting hours in the Maternity Ward. If you come bearing baked goods or a Mocha you would make my day!! Of course just having a visitor would be treat enough. I am online so don't hesitate to e-mail me.


  1. Holly,
    Kathie and I want to visit tomorrow, but our visit will depend on the weather. Thought I would post this in case anyone else is planning on a coming tomorrow. Or if they want to hook up with us to send anything your way. Glad you got the blog going. We can all keep in touch with you!


  2. Holly,
    I'm sure you noticed I didn't make it today that is because Jason kept telling me his mom was coming in on Mon., Dec. 22 but actually she is coming in tomorrow. Her flight gets in around 11:45 am so I will try to make it in the morning before she gets in. I'm glad you started this blog. Good idea. See you in the morning. Anything you need?
